1. The BikeAir Motorcycle Air Conditioner

The EntroSys BikeAir Motorcycle Air Conditioning system has two main subsystems: a compact personal air conditioner unit and a lightweight air delivery garment. Conditioned air – cooled or heated – is driven into the riding gear through an air hose.

Heads Up! The BikeAir 2 is Coming

Our second-generation motorcycle A/C system will be more powerful and able to accommodate two riders. Stay...

Coming Soon: ORV and UTV Personal A/C

Our new personal A/C system for open-cabin Off-road and Utility vehicles is the only way to cool yourself in your RZR, Maverick, Gator, Golf Cart etc. Prepare to be...


March 2016: “I’ve had my system since June 2014 and with the BikeAir I’m sure it will be a comfortable ride, day or night!” Ron SteinSweet water,...


February 2016: “It’s always bloody hot somewhere in Australia and the Bikeair can be used anywhere” Nigel...

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